A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46
The aim of this Report is to present an impartial assessment of public feeling about the war and the war effort. It is not a record of fact , except in so far as public opinion is itself a fact. The public is sometimes ill-informed, prejudiced, or inconsistent. The recording of such feelings without comment implies no endorsement of them.
The public is more prone to criticise than to praise. Good work or efficiency is usually taken for granted. An accurate record of expressed feeling will, therefore, tend to be critical rather than laudatory.
The method of compiling the Report is such that the amount of space devoted to each subject, and the order in which subjects are placed, are roughly indicative of the amount of public interest each is arousing. The omission of a subject from the Report means that it is not a matter of widespread comment.
In assessing the state of public feeling there are no absolutes. Findings can only be comparative. Each issue of this Report must therefore be read as part of a continuous series. Unless the series is seen as a whole, the significance of fluctuations in feeling cannot be appreciated.
The figures in brackets at the end of each section refer to sources of information, a list of which is given on the next page. The weekly reports from Regional Information Officers (R.I.Os.) are compiled by the Regional Intelligence Officers from a large number of sources. Details of the methods of compilation and cross-checking are contained in a paper on “How the Home Intelligence Weekly Report is made”. This will be supplied on request to the Home Intelligence Division of the Ministry of Information.
No. 119. 14th January, 1943
(Covering the period 5th to 12th January, 1943)
In times of relative quiet on the home front, each week's Home Intelligence Report may appear to differ little from its predecessors. Yet a review of the past four months shows that there have in fact been considerable changes. These changes may be summarised as follows:-
1. Throughout September and October 1942, there was a slow and gradual rise in public spirits. Our offensive in Libya was watched with “cautious hopefulness”. Then, in November, when the news came of our break through at El Alamein, and was followed by that of the North African expedition, the rise of spirits assumed spectacular dimensions. And public feeling still continues on a very high level.
Over the past two years, it has been found that public feeling tends to fluctuate in an apparently rhythmic manner, with peaks of optimism at approximately six-monthly intervals. It is, of course, impossible to say whether this is entirely a reflection of events in the public mind, or whether it represents an inherent rhythm, but there is certain evidence which suggest that the latter hypothesis may be true. Whatever the cause, it may be anticipated that, in the absence of very striking developments, there will be a slow and gradual decline in spirits over the next three months. If such a decline occurs, it need not necessarily be taken to indicate a serious fall in morale; but past evidence suggests that it is likely to be associated with a more critical attitude to events.
2. On previous occasions, it has been noticeable that the volume of complaint about home front difficulties has considerably declined whenever public spirits rose. On the present occasion, the decline has been smaller than usual. This suggests that the present complaints of the public are due less to captious criticism than to the real and inevitable difficulties of the fourth winter of the war. There have, however, been some changes of emphasis in the nature of complaints. Transport difficulties have remained an outstanding problem, but the difficulties resulting from the shortage of torch and cycle lamp batteries are now as prominent a topic. The shortage of fish, and complaints of the poor quality of clothes and the inadequacy of clothing coupons, particularly for children, have been reported increasingly frequently. Discussion of disparities of pay between our troops, and those of the United States and Dominions, and our workers in industry, has declined considerably. Compulsory fire-watching for women has ceased to arouse much interest. And the public now appears satisfied with, or resigned to, the National Wheatmeal Loaf.
1. General state of confidence and reaction to news
There appears to be a slight decline in public confidence this week. “Strong satisfaction” over the continued Russian successes is said to be tempered by “very definite uneasiness” at our slow progress in North Africa, and at “the confused political situation there”, “Little else in the war news”, according to reports from five Regions, “is exciting much interest”.
Hope or belief that “the end of the war - at any rate in Europe - will come this year or early in 1944” continues to be reported (Seven Regions and Postal Censorship). And while there is “no suggestion that people are slacking on account of this optimism, there is some apprehension that they soon will be”.
“A widespread source of complaint” on the Home Front, is said to be the shortage of No. 8 batteries and those for cycles.
(1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21 Aberdeen, Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Cardiff, Carlisle, Glasgow, Inverness, Leeds, Manchester, Nottingham, Reading, Special P.Cs. 22 Hyde P.D.R. No report from Region 3 this week).
2. Russia
Russian successes are described as “a never ending source of wonder”, and continue to arouse much admiration, enthusiasm and gratitude. Other reported reactions are:
The hope, of further German reverses (Six Regions). In some cases the capture of a particular objective, such as Rostov, is all that is hoped for; in others the hope is that “the Russians will be able to drive the Germans from their country - or even beyond, and thus become the liberators of enslaved Europe”. Reports from two Regions, however, refer to “some speculation as to how much the Russians can regain before the German Spring, offensive, and how much of their gains they will be able to hold”.
“Are we doing enough to help?” (Six Regions). There is “some feeling of shame that the Red Army is having to win the war for the United Nations, and regret is felt that we cannot give more relief by military action”. According to reports from two Regions, however, people are satisfied that we are doing our utmost, and there is said to be “some tendency to believe that the Russian advance has been made possible by the mass of material sent by the British and Americans”.
Doubts about the accuracy of the details of Russian claims (Four Regions). In the North Western Region, scepticism is said to be increasing, but in the South Western the claims are only “occasionally queried” and in the Southern are accepted “almost entirely”.
“A strengthening of faith in the Russian form of Government: Russia has a fair social system” (Two Regions).
Russia “should have a say in peace plans”. Wage earners are said “to hope for much from post-war Anglo-Soviet understanding” (Two Regions). On the other hand, reports from two Regions refer to some fear of Bolshevism.
A desire to know more about Russia (Two Regions).
(1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21 Aberdeen, Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Carlisle, Edinburgh, Inverness, Leeds, Manchester, Nottingham P.Cs. 22 Ashton-under-Lyne, Hyde, Newcastle-on-Tyne, South Shields, Tynemouth P.D.Rs.)
North Africa
Political : There appears to be increasing uneasiness about the political situation in North Africa. It had been expected that Darlan's assassination “would clear the air”, but people are beginning to feel that “there is a good deal of unpleasant scrambling for power among self-seeking French politicians who have not got French unity at heart”. Some sections of the public are said to fear that “the Americans are inclined to back Vichy elements and encourage the French Fascists either because the U.S. is afraid of British influence in Europe after the war, or because “vested interests are against de Gaulle and for Vichy”.
Disappointment continues to be expressed that General de Gaulle, “for whom there is strong public sympathy”, and General Giraud have “not yet come to a settlement; Giraud is suspect for his apparent unwillingness to co-operate with de Gaulle”. It is felt, however, according to reports from two Regions, that “this is not exclusively a French affair, as Allied interests are involved”. “Roosevelt”, a report suggests from the North Western Region, “has no right to wash his hands of it; he should get de Gaulle and Giraud together”.
Military : Although “few doubt the final outcome of the campaign”, people appear to be increasingly anxious and puzzled about “the lack of news” and the slowness of our progress, particularly in Tunisia. Reports from four Regions refer to suspicion that this lack of progress may be due to political trouble, and that “we shall be unable to take the initiative until the French can come to an understanding between themselves”. Other reactions are on similar lines to those reported last week.
(1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21 Aberdeen, Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Cardiff, Glasgow, Inverness, Manchester, Nottingham P.Cs. 22 Ashton-under-Lyne, Bootle, East Sussex, Hyde, Newcastle-on-Tyne, South Shields, Tynemouth P.D.Rs.)
4. Far East
Comment still seems to be confined, in the main, to “those who know something about that part of the world or who have relations there”, but a slight increase in interest is mentioned in two reports. Satisfaction at the defeat of the convoy and its escort appears to be somewhat tempered by our losses not being disclosed and by what are considered to have been conflicting descriptions of the convoy: preliminary reports “suggested this was the biggest convoy yet, but it was afterwards stated to have consisted of ten ships, including war ships”.
Prisoners in Japanese hands : Concern is reported from four Regions on the part of those with relatives who are prisoners in the Far East. “Widespread and anxious interest is being taken throughout the Eastern Region” (whence come many of the regiments involved) in the gradual release of prisoners' names since the fall of Singapore. There is “some sense of grievance, or perhaps of perplexity, because lists in the newspapers show a higher proportion of officers than of men in the lower ranks.” There is considerable anxiety to know more about the treatment of men in Japanese hands, but from the Southern Region come “requests that accounts of Japanese ill-treatment should be stopped, on the ground that they are very painful to relatives of men concerned, and people hate the Japs anyway, so there is no need to stir up anger against them”.
India : A minority are said to feel that “we should make another attempt to solve the Indian problem, which is not getting any easier”. “Murmurs against the censorship of news from India” are said to be increasing in Scotland, and “news of the death penalty of groups of Indians is taken as a sign of widespread unrest”. Interest, however, is not extensive.
The Treaty with China , whereby Britain and U.S. abandoned their extra-territorial rights, is referred to in only one report. Some welcome it as “a very good sign that China is being brought into the limelight more”: others feel that “another slice of our prestige has gone”.
(1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.)
5. The United States
President Roosevelt's message to Congress (7th January) : Reports differ as to the amount of interest taken in the President's message to Congress, and two of them suggest that “comments are not very general because a good many people missed all or part of the broadcast” - it was given in full only once - and that a “repeat” broadcast would have been welcomed.
This “important and memorable speech” is said to have been generally welcomed. The following points appear to have caused most comment:-
The production figures (Six Regions): These were thought “particularly striking, especially the aircraft building programme”, and are described as having “a tonic effect” on some people. A minority, however, would prefer that “American production figures should be given to this country in terms of the numbers of planes, etc. delivered, and not on a basis of how many she has planned or promised, or how many dollars she has spent”. There was some approval, however, of the fact that “the President did not exalt the American war effort above that of the other Allied nations”.
“Too much promise, instead of performance” (Four Regions): A minority are “alleged to disbelieve - as American boasting - the talk of more fronts, and of the size of the U.S. Army”, and there are comments such as: “Always to-morrow and to-morrow”, and “Let's see it happen”.
His “challenging” note (Three Regions): People liked Mr. Roosevelt's “aggressive tone, when saying that the dictators have asked for it and they will get it”, and his “assurance that the Allies will strike in Europe”, and that “the bombing of Germany will continue relentlessly”.
His “reference to post-war reconstruction” (Three Regions): “The fact that ‘Beveridge ideas’ were mentioned” met with approval and is thought to have “gone some way to deal with the fear expressed that ‘the U.S. is so reactionary that they will drag us back after the war’”.
U.S. and post-war settlements (Three Regions): Interest and concern are reported about “America's probable role in the post-war world, and upon the line that the new Congress will take”. “The attitude of the President's political opponents is interpreted as an indication of the strength of Isolationist feeling.” Some are “beginning to think that U.S. policy will be ‘America first and let Europe go hang’”.
The U.S. White Paper, “Peace and War” (2nd January) is said to have been criticised, as “evidence that the U.S. Government ignored warnings from their own representatives in Japan of pending sudden attacks”, and it is said to have “revived some talk about her unforgivable unpreparedness at Pearl Harbour and of her not coming into the war until she was attacked” (Two Regions).
(2. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13.)
6. The War at sea
There appears to be some increase in discussion about shipping losses, “the seriousness” of which is mentioned in four reports, and it is feared that our losses may exceed the rate of new construction. There is also some criticism of the lack of information on this subject and a feeling is mentioned in one report that “the Government holds bad news”.
The safe arrival of the recent convoy for Russia has been welcomed, but it is thought that “the release of our side of the story was delayed so long that its effectiveness, as news, was very considerably reduced”.
(2. 4. 5. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 22 Ashton-under-Lyne, Bootle P.D.Rs.)
7. R.A.F. offensive
Criticism is reported from three Regions “of our threatening heavy and continuous raids without carrying them out”. Blame put upon the weather for our failure to do so is said “not to be accepted”.
Attacks on Germany are, however, expected to increase this year, and it is hoped also that “the bombing of Italy will continue and increase”, and that Rome shall not be immune.
Doubt is expressed in one report as to whether “American claims are as meticulous as those of the R.A.F.”.
(1. 2. 4. 7. 10. 21 York P.C.)
8. The Beveridge Report
There appears to have been a further slight decline in interest. Although the majority are still said to be strongly in favour of the scheme, there is some indication that, “since more people have obtained copies of the Report”, criticism is “more vocal”. Comments, both favourable and critical, follow familiar lines.
(1. 2. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 21 Aberdeen, Cambridge, Manchester P.Cs 22 Nottingham P.D.R.)
9. Mr. Herbert Morrison's speech at Newcastle-on-Tyne (10th December)
Mr. Morrison's “Empire speech” does not seem to have aroused much comment “among average citizens”, but “an educated minority” and “the more politically intelligent” are said to have been most favourably impressed. There was particular satisfaction over his “reply to American criticism” (Six Regions). It was considered “a highly effective reply to those who accuse Britain of selfish imperialism, by exploiting countries within the Empire”. People “like to think the British Empire is of value to the world”. His reference to Eire was particularly appreciated in Northern Ireland.
The speech is also welcomed as “showing a remarkable change of attitude in a man whose party, and he himself, expressed quite a different outlook about the Empire”. Mr. Morrison's “personal reputation appears to have been enhanced by the breadth and vision of the speech”, and his popularity increased.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 12. 13.)
10. Broadcasting and presentation of news
Again, few comments are reported; on the whole, the news is thought to be “fairly well presented”.
The popularity of the European News Service is mentioned in five reports. “A considerable number of people are said to listen to it, some in preference to the Home Service, and some in addition, or because the Home Service has been missed”. The “phraseology and ring of conviction” are liked. There are “some complaints that the foreign language news broadcasts from the B.B.C. contain ‘many interesting matters that are not mentioned’ in the Home Service news bulletins”.
Repetition of the headlines at the end of the news is again praised (Two Regions).
Listening to German stations is mentioned in three reports. “The families of servicemen reported missing are said to listen, in the hope of hearing that they have been taken prisoner”. One woman, who is said to have listened “for months till she heard her son's name mentioned”, now advises others to do the same. It is suggested that there might be less listening to Germany if “those whose relatives are missing could be assured that official quarters are following the German announcements and will inform the next-of-kin if anything is heard of them”.
Talks and speeches : Although one report mentions several demands for “less talk”, two reports indicate a desire for “more serious programmes”, such as “more speeches on the war situation from military leaders”, “strong speeches on the post-war world”, and “more programmes about peoples and countries now involved in the war”, and about the Navy.
Women announcers are criticised for their “unintelligibility” (Northern Region), their “poor enunciation” (South Western Region), and their “fancy Mayfair voices” (North Eastern Region).
Admiral Colvin's War Commentary (7th January) is praised in two reports for “putting events in the Pacific in true perspective”.
“Listeners' Brains Trust” (4th January) is also praised, and the listeners are “thought to take their job more seriously than some members of the regular Brains Trust”. The time allowed, however, was thought to be too short; “too long was taken over the introductions” and “the questions were too obvious” (Two Regions).
(1. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12.)
11. Industry
Criticism of production continues, and in the Northern Region “serious minded workers” are said to feel that “there is too much complacency on the subject amongst the general public”. On the other hand Joint Production Committees, in two Regions, are thought to “be doing good work by helping co-operation between the workers and management”.
This week's complaints include (a) War workers' shopping difficulties (Five Regions), (b) Stories of “slackness and idle time” (Four Regions), (d) The effect of long working hours on the health of women and young people (Three Regions).
Part time work : While the demand for “greater part-time facilities for women” comes from two Regions, London housewives are said to find the hours too long: “It completely messes up the day, and the money is not enough to make it worth while.” Women in the North Eastern Region criticise employers for “setting their faces against part-time workers”; but in the Eastern Region, employers are said to find them “unsatisfactory”, because weeks may be spent training women, who cannot then be compelled to remain at work.
(1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21 Birmingham P.C. 22 Ashton-under-Lyne P.D.R.)
12. The call-up and manpower
The call-up : This week the “intensified” call-up of women has evoked criticism in six Regions as against three last week. It is feared that the consequent shortage of labour will affect the distributive trades, and queueing, due to the shortage of shop assistants, is already reported from two Regions. Business and professional women will suffer, it is thought, through the call-up of more domestic servants.
Mobile women workers : Three Regions report dissatisfaction among women workers caused by their being transferred away from home “while there is a shortage of workers in their own districts”.
Manpower : Critical comment on “the waste and bad distribution of labour” continues. Familiar complaints reported are “the uneconomical use of skilled labour” (Three Regions), and “the inadequate comb-out” of young civilians of both sexes (Three Regions).
(1. 2. 4. 5. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 21 Aberdeen, Nottingham P.Cs.)
13. Shortage of batteries, and cyclists' difficulties
Twelve Regions report complaints this week (as against eight last week) of the shortage of batteries: eleven reports refer to those for torches and ten to cycle batteries.
The difficulties of people who have to get to work in the dark are mentioned in five reports: “Workers are forced to break the law or ride on public transport”, the added strain on which is pointed out in two Regions. Though the increased risk of accident through cycling without lights is realised (two Regions), it is said in one report that “workers particularly resent prosecution for cycling without lights”, as it is felt that the fault lies with the Government for “failing to regulate the situation”.
The refusal of shopkeepers to sell batteries without cases is reported from three Regions.
(1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.)
14. Transport difficulties
Eleven Regions report difficulties this week. In two of them transport is referred to “as one of the major background difficulties”. Complaints of familiar kinds include the curtailment of evening and Sunday bus services, over-crowding of buses, and their filling up at termini so that there is no room en route for other passengers.
(1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 21 Glasgow P.C. 22 South Shields P.D.R. 32)
15. Fuel
The economy campaign, which is mentioned in three reports, is thought to be “bearing fruit”, though “some people are discouraged by stories of other people's extravagance, and it is felt that if last year's figures were taken as a basis for rationing, the economical would be penalised”.
Distribution difficulties are reported from four Regions, and in two there is said to be criticism of the poor quality of coal, leading to its “wasteful consumption”.
The “need for providing extra coal when there is illness in the house” is mentioned in one report, and it is suggested that such supplies “should be drawn from a special pool”.
(1. 2. 4. 5. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 21 Birmingham, Manchester P.Cs.)
16. Petrol
Nine Regions refer this week to the misuse or waste of petrol. Complaints are the familiar ones of its lavish use by American troops; of buses and taxis being taken to dog races; of inequalities and “wangling” of petrol allowances; and of the number of large cars still on the road.
(1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.)
17. Clothing
Children's footwear : Shortage of children's footwear is reported this week from four Regions, in two of which it is said to be affecting school attendance. One report states that many children have no change of shoes at all or are wearing wrong sizes. The time taken for repairs is an added difficulty; one report states that some repairers refuse to mend children's footwear.
Coupons : The difficulty of making the present allotment of coupons cover all needs is again mentioned (Four Regions).
Wellington boots : Complaints from land and dairy workers of the lack of permits for rubber boots, “although these may be seen in the shops”, are made in two reports, one of which states that “many workers are said to be working ankle-deep in mud and water in sugar beet fields without adequate protection”.
Utility stockings and shoes : Two reports mention complaints about the quality of utility stockings, but one gives praise to utility shoes.
(1. 2. 4. 5. 7. 10. 11. 12.)
18. Food
Satisfaction continues (Seven Regions) and Lord Woolton's warnings of further restrictions are said to have been taken philosophically.
The main complaints this week are: (a) the fish shortage and the zoning scheme; (b) the shortages of shell eggs, offals, sweets and oranges; (c) the distribution of milk.
The announcement of the month's allocation of shell eggs is commented on in two reports, one of which says it has caused “enthusiasm and happiness”, and the other that there is some confusion about the distribution of priority allocations.
Green vegetables : Seven reports refer to controlled prices of green vegetables. They are considered in five Regions to be too high, and it is thought that the levels at which they have been fixed have encouraged some shopkeepers to raise their prices.
(1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21 All Postal Censorship reports. 22 Ashton-under-Lyne, Bootle, East Sussex, Newcastle-on-Tyne, South Shields, Tynemouth P.D.Rs. 32)
19. Shopping difficulties
This week six reports refer to shopping difficulties, the chief of which still appears to be the early closing of shops. It is suggested in the North Eastern Region that shops should stagger their closing hours, particularly at lunch time.
(2. 4. 5. 6. 8. 10. 21 Manchester P.C.)
20. Pensions
Four reports refer to the difficulties, caused by rising prices, to people living on small fixed incomes or pensions. Many widows, particularly those with children, are said to be suffering great hardships. A comparison is made between the treatment of a wife and that of a widowed mother who loses a son on whose prewar or post-war earnings she might have been partly or wholly dependent.
(1. 4. 5. 10.)
21. Youth
Concern at the increase in juvenile crime is reported from two Regions. In one this is attributed to the increased number of women going out to work, and consequent reduction of supervision of children during “out-of-school hours”.
Drinking among young people is said to be increasing in certain South Western towns; and “rowdiness among young workers”, reported from the Eastern Region, is attributed to “squandering of wages on drink” or to lack of parental control.
(4. 5. 7.)
Regional points of national interest
A Tyneside training scheme . Under the aegis of the Wallsend Training Centre, the Ministry of Labour is about to introduce a scheme for training shipyard apprentices on Tyneside. This scheme is devised to bring into the yards a new type of recruit who will have a good basic knowledge of his job and a proper understanding of its importance and responsibilities. The scheme should also enable him to go straight into productive work at the end of his course. Though introduced as a wartime measure, it is felt that this arrangement might be no less beneficial in peace time.
On Tyneside, except in one yard which runs its own training scheme, boys who enter the yards at about fifteen may spend anything from two to three years as “catchers”. In this capacity they are for the most part left to pick up what they can about their future job, but as a rule they have acquired little knowledge of real value when, at eighteen, they go into productive work.
The youngster being trained will receive from practical shipyard workers a sound first-hand knowledge of the relationship of his future job to the building of the vessel as a whole. He will be taught not only the value of good workmanship, but the dangers to seamen of ships that may have defective rivets or bolts. The riveter's course lasts for about seven weeks, and combines both theoretical and practical training. It also includes demonstrations on all types of machinery that are likely to pass through the trainee's hands, as well as the care and maintenance of his tools. A description of the lay-out of the whole ship is given, and the use of the riveter's job is fully explained.
The welder's course lasts for four weeks; this too, includes both theoretical and practical training. At the end of the course, trainees are expected to be reasonably good down-hand welders and to have some knowledge of vertical and overhead work.
Following a medical examination, about seventy-five boys have been selected for the first two courses. They will have to pass tests during the course, and a final test at the end of it. When their instructors are satisfied that the trainees are ready for placing in the yards, the boys will be assisted by an Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Labour in choosing their yard or will be placed in one chosen by the Committee. From time to time, the firms to which they are apprenticed will have to submit a report on each boy's progress.
Pay will be at roughly the same rate as that of a “catcher” - about 15/0d. to 20/0d. a week, according to age - plus a free lunch or an extra 5/0d. a week. It is expected that a boy who passes through the Ministry's scheme will be able to earn a higher wage on piece work much sooner than an untrained boy, and that the basic training will produce a larger number of skilled workers than emerges under the present system.
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