A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46
The aim of this Report is to present an impartial assessment of public feeling about the war and the war effort. It is not a record of fact , except in so far as public opinion is itself a fact. The public is sometimes ill-informed, prejudiced, or inconsistent. The recording of such feelings without comment implies no endorsement of them.
The public is more prone to criticise than to praise. Good work or efficiency is usually taken for granted. An accurate record of expressed feeling will, therefore, tend to be critical rather than laudatory.
The method of compiling the Report is such that the amount of space devoted to each subject, and the order in which subjects are placed, are roughly indicative of the amount of public interest each is arousing. The omission of a subject from the Report means that it is not a matter of widespread comment.
In assessing the state of public feeling there are no absolutes. Findings can only be comparative. Each issue of this Report must therefore be read as part of a continuous series. Unless the series is seen as a whole, the significance of fluctuations in feeling cannot be appreciated.
The figures in brackets at the end of each section refer to sources of information, a list of which is given on the next page. The weekly reports from Regional Information Officers (R.I.Os.) are compiled by the Regional Intelligence Officers from a large number of sources. Details of the methods of compilation and cross-checking are contained in a paper on “How the Home Intelligence Weekly Report is made”. This will be supplied on request to the Home Intelligence Division of the Ministry of Information.
No. 120. 21st January, 1943
(Covering the period 12th to 19th January, 1943)
1. General state of confidence and reaction to news
On the whole, the general level of spirits differs little from that of last week.
During the early part of the week there appeared to be a slight decline in public confidence, although the Russian advances outweighed uneasiness over the military and political situation in Tunisia. At the week-end there was “a marked rise of spirits” as a result of the news that “Montgomery had struck and that Rommel was again in flight”. The attacks on Berlin and the continuation of Russian successes also contributed to this improvement, but uneasiness over Tunisia remains strong.
Discussion of the length of the war, and hope or belief that it will be over in a year, continue to be reported (Six Regions and Postal Censorship), and a feeling of optimism - sometimes verging on complacency - is referred to in five reports.
On the Home Front there are still widespread complaints of the shortage of torch and cycle batteries, and also of fish.
(1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21 three provincial P.Cs. No report from Region 4 this week)
2. Russia
The public's reactions can best be summed up in the words of the Scottish Region's report: “People are beginning to run out of adjectives to express their admiration for the Russian offensive”. Even “those who have been almost afraid to count on continued Russian successes” now feel that “the sweep of the Russian drives is attaining such huge proportions that they can safely rejoice”. Many now hope that Rostov will fall; some still expect “a complete German collapse on the Russian front”. Only a small minority “query whether the Russians will be able to drive the Germans back far enough this time to prevent them returning in the spring and summer”. Other reactions are these:
“Are we doing enough to help?” (Eight Regions). The majority of those who consider this question appear to feel that “the Russians are winning the war for us, while we have a ringside seat”, and are “irritated that our own part is so much less active”. “Second front talk” is said to be starting up again (Two Regions). Some people question the adequacy of our supplies, though a few ask “why the Red Army needs 60% of the Allies' supplies, if it really is capturing such immense hauls of booty”. Appreciation is expressed for M. Litvinov's speech (12th January), acknowledging Allied aid to Russia.
“ Scepticism of Russian claims of Germans killed and captured” (Four Regions).
Distrust of Russia (Four Regions). A minority are “anxious that Russia should not be allowed to feel she is the only victor” and “dominate the peace”. According to one report a few say: “We shall have to fight Russia yet”, and it has even been rumoured that “we are soon to pack up the war with Germany in order to join with her in an attack on Russia”.
Interest in the Russian political and social system (Two Regions), particularly among workers who are impressed to see the Russians “so ready to fight and die for it, imbued with the spirit of patriotism and not money-making”.
(1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21 eight provincial P.Cs.)
4. Tunisia
Continued, and in some cases growing, disappointment and uneasiness are reported at our slow progress in Tunisia and at the present political situation there.
Military : The “hold-up in Tunisia” is thought by many people to be due to “political and military difficulties with the French, behind the lines”. “The excuse of bad weather has gone down badly”, according to four reports, as it is believed that “the Russians are able to triumph over infinitely worse weather conditions, while the Allies are held up by mud and rain”. Unfavourable comparisons between ourselves and the Russians come from five Regions; they are well summed up in a quotation from Postal Censorship: “We have been in North Africa for two months, but the position at Bizerta and Tunis is dust as it was, if it isn't worse. I don't know whether it is politics or weather or materials.... but we always seem to be suffering from something that doesn't seem to bother the Russians, though surely fighting 99% of the Jerries singlehanded is a job equal to anything facing us on land”.
The Americans are strongly criticised for not giving us enough military support (Four Regions), for “the poor quality” of their troops (Two Regions), and for their leadership: this is said to be “untried” as well as “too casualty-anxious”.
Political : “Uneasiness over the political set-up” appears to be widespread (Nine Regions). Statements by Mr. Macmillan and Mr. Bracken, and the comments of the New York Herald-Tribune's London Correspondent, are praised as having done something to “clear away doubts”, but people are still said to be bewildered. “The general picture is one of rising anger and suspicion which is feeding on guess work rather than on information”, and there is still some demand for “an authoritative statement to clear up the position decisively”. Other reported reactions are:
Distrust or dislike of the French and a feeling that, if necessary, we “should take our gloves off and make the French behave” (Nine Regions). General de Gaulle seems to be the only Frenchman of whom no suspicion is expressed.
“Criticism of the American direction of affairs politically” (Eight Regions). It is believed, for example, that the Americans have “failed to procure the release of anti-Fascists”, and people ask if “Communists and International Brigaders” have yet been set free. Some people “state that the question of whether we are fighting for a real democracy may well be decided by the outcome of events in North Africa”.
Hope of an early meeting between Generals de Gaulle and Giraud (Five Regions). Some suspect “a serious difference of view between them”, or “personal rivalry”.
(1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21 five provincial P.Cs.)
5. Tripolitania
Great satisfaction is expressed at the renewed advance of the Eighth Army and “Rommel's hasty retreat”. Some people hope to see his forces destroyed before they can join the Axis forces in Tunisia. A few are reported to be cautious, however, on the grounds that “Rommel's evasive tactics are still succeeding in avoiding heavy losses”, and that he “is up to something”.
(1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.)
6. The war in the air
The raids on Berlin are reported to have given “tremendous satisfaction”. This choice of target “cheers people more than any other”; it is felt that “heavy raids on Berlin are likely to have an important effect on German morale”; the fact that the city had been raid-free for so long has caused comment and some criticism. It is hoped that the bombing will continue. Particular pleasure was expressed at the small losses in the first raid, but the loss of twenty-two bombers on the second night caused some surprise. “Many, especially women, remarked: ‘Surely it was senseless to send raiders two nights running’”.
Richard Dimbleby's broadcast gave pleasure, though a few people suggested that “it would be better to carry bombs than war correspondents”.
The reprisal raids on London were expected, though some “felt there would not be a raid immediately because of the preparations required”. “Renewed expectations of heavier reprisals” are reported from Scotland and the Northern Region. Some people are “deciding to carry their gas masks again”.
In London itself, “the previous complacency having been disturbed”, people are said to be preparing for further raids but to believe that they will not be “as bad as the blitz”. In some of the poorer districts “parents are talking of re-evacuating their children”. The majority of Londoners, however, are said not to have regretted the bombing of Berlin but to hope it will continue, “bigger, better and more often”. Only a very small minority say: “Why bomb Berlin when it just means that we get more raids?”
Everyone is said to have been “profoundly impressed by the barrage”, and to have had “great confidence in the defence”. Although some people “showed a healthy respect for the ack-ack stuff coming down”, and were “nervous about remaining in the upper stories of houses”, many are said not to have realised the risk they ran in “standing about watching”.
(1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14 London. 32)
7. The war at sea
Comment and concern about our shipping position are not apparently widespread, either because “many people do not understand it - they are told nothing”, or because “very great faith in the Navy tends to check misgivings”. Anxiety appears, however, to be increasing, and the public is said to be “more alive to the U-boat menace”. It is suggested in Wales that only invasion of the continent with the regaining of the German-occupied coastline can put a stop to this danger. In Merseyside, “people are wondering if we're building enough escort vessels”.
There is said to have been some criticism of the announcement of the Atlantic convoy battles (11th January): “the date of the battles was not given until afterwards and many people who knew their menfolk were at present on convoy in the Atlantic had needless hours of anxiety” (Two Regions).
(1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 21 one provincial P.C.)
8. Speeches
President Roosevelt's message to Congress (7th January) : Further praise of the President's message is referred to in reports from five Regions. In one of these it is suggested that “while much that the Americans do is criticised, and, in some quarters, even held in suspicion, people regard Mr. Roosevelt with high esteem”.
Mr. Herbert Morrison's speech at Newcastle-on-Tyne (10th January) : Approval, on the lines mentioned last week, continues to be reported (Five Regions).
(1. 2. 3. 5. 8. 9. 10. 21 two provincial P.Cs.)
9. Anti-Semitism
According to reports from four Regions, there are “increasing signs” of anti-Semitism. Talk is “cropping up again” of Jews being thought “to contribute nothing to the war effort: they dodge the call up, wangle out of the Army, and you never see any in factories or working as labourers”. It is suggested also that “they are at the bottom of the conspiracy in almost every black market prosecution” and are “always at the head of queues”.
(1. 3. 5. 9. 10. 11. 21 two provincial, one Special P.Cs.)
10. The Beveridge report
Apart from “thinking people”, who are still said to be discussing the report, comments appear to be fewer. Those that have been reported are on familiar lines.
During the past two weeks reports from six Regions have referred to “unfavourable comment on the War Office's withdrawal of the A.B.C.A. pamphlet containing the Beveridge Report summary.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21 ten provincial, one Special P.Cs.)
11. Broadcasting and presentation of news
There continues to be very little comment or criticism about news presentation. The European News Service is again praised (Five Regions) and is “preferred to the Home Service bulletins”. Appreciation of the repetition of the news headlines is also reported again.
Recordings from North Africa : Reports from Scotland - where there is said to be “a good deal of Irritation” - and from London and the North Western Region, refer to “the poor quality” of the recordings: “The voices are so blurred and distorted that listening is extremely difficult. The messages would be much more easily understood if they were read by the announcer”.
Sunday night postscripts : Reports from four Regions suggest that they show “a decline in quality. They have lost their pep and are not so good as in Priestley's day”.
Appreciation is reported of Group Captain Helmore, Denis Johnston and Commander Anthony Kimmins. “Eyewitness accounts by serving officers and men do more than anything to bring home the war to the public”. Also praised is Miss Evelyn Cheesman's talk on New Guinea (12th January), and the first instalments of “War and Peace” (17th January).
Listening to the enemy : During December 1942 the B.B.C's Listener Research Department repeated an enquiry, which it first made two years ago, into the extent to which enemy broadcasts are listened to in this country, The evidence of the earlier enquiry was that such listening was on a very small scale; one of the reasons for listening then was that enemy raiders caused interference with the reception of B.B.C. programmes. The results of the present enquiry suggest that there has been little or no change in the amount of listening. (A report from the South Western Region however, suggests that there is “a fairly numerous regular audience for German broadcasts.... especially in Cornwall”, where reception of them is said to be much better than that of the B.B.C.). The principle motive of those who now listen seems to be a desire to hear the Axis version of the news, though there is little anticipation of this being very truthful. The general view seems to be that, from the standpoint of morale, such listening as there is at present gives no ground for concern.
Programmes about industry and war workers in industry : A B.B.C. Listener Research Report gives the result of a recent enquiry into the popularity of programmes of this kind. They are thought interesting by the majority of the non-industrial public, but workers themselves are said not to care for them because they “sound artificial and smug, with too much propaganda” and “workers do not sound at ease before the microphone”.
(1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21 two provincial P.Cs. 24.)
12. The call-up and manpower
The extension of the National Service Acts 1939-42 to include girls of nineteen has been commented on in reports from four Regions. Parents and educationists are said to be critical of its effects upon girl students, whose University training will thus be interrupted; a serious shortage of trained teachers is forecast. Maternal fears about the “dangers and temptations of camp life” are mentioned in the Southern Region's report, but young people themselves are said to be “excited at the prospect of being called up, and to see only the adventurous side” (Two Regions).
Manpower : Complaints are still reported about the effects, or in some cases the ineffectiveness, of the call-up. The usual categories of would-be dodgers, and of those who are thought to be especially hard hit, are again mentioned (Seven Regions). Stories are also repeated about workers being “wastefully drafted” (Four Regions).
(1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 21 two provincial P.Cs.)
13. Industry
From two Regions a general feeling is reported among the public that “production is quite good” and that “the nation is all out, industrially speaking”. Reports from three Regions, however, mention a “lack of real enthusiasm” among workers and “the remoteness of their interests from the war”. “Wages are still probably the greatest interest in their lives”. Familiar stories of “slackness and idle time” are mentioned in three reports, as against four last week. Shopping difficulties (Three Regions), and the bad effect of long working hours upon women (One Region and Postal Censorship) are again reported.
The threatened strike of locomotive men is criticised in four reports, though two mention that there appears to be some sympathy for the men among the public.
(1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 21 four provincial P.Cs.)
14. Transport difficulties
Ten Regions report difficulties this week. In the Northern and North Western Regions criticisms are said to be increasing. Complaints are on familiar lines; they include the curtailment of evening and Sunday transport; the overcrowding of buses; the refusal by drivers of last buses to stop for passengers, though their vehicles may not be full; their failure to collect passengers when returning at night to their depots.
(1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12)
15. Shortage of batteries, and cyclists' difficulties
There are complaints from eleven Regions this week of the shortage of torch batteries; nine Regions and Postal Censorship refer to the shortage of those for cycle lamps. One report says that employers have complained of a consequent increase in bad time-keeping which, in turn, leads to loss of production. It is felt that those who cycle to work “should have first claim to available batteries” as “even more people than before are using the buses”.
The poor quality of many batteries is also criticised (Four Regions), and it is said that “manufacturers won't take back duds now”.
(1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 16. 21 one provincial P.C.)
16. Food
The public's customary satisfaction with the general food situation is again reported. In the Northern Region shopkeepers are quoted as saying that “the public expects a reduction in food supplies if another front is opened in Europe...but the vast majority are ready and willing” for such sacrifices “if it will help to end the war and get the men back home”.
Bread : Lord Woolton's statement that bread rationing may be necessary is referred to in nine reports. It appears to have been received with mixed feelings ranging from “consternation” - “it's the very last thing that ought to be touched” - to the view that “people have such faith in rationing that they won't mind”. It is pointed out in two reports that more bread is eaten by the poorer than by the wealthier classes, and also that consumption of bread varies in different occupations. It is suggested that “the various ways in which bread is wasted should be stopped before rationing is introduced” and more publicity given to the need for saving shipping space. Again it is suggested that an increased fat allowance would encourage greater use of potatoes.
Tea : The increased price of tea is referred to in four reports. It appears to have aroused but little comment; in the North Western Region, however, people are said to have been “amazed”.
Complaints : The main subjects of complaint this week are (a) the high prices at which green vegetables are controlled; (b) the fish shortage and the zoning scheme; (c) the distribution of milk; (d) the points' allocation for small families; (e) shortage of eggs, saccharine, cakes, sweets and chocolate.
(1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21 fourteen provincial, one Special P.Cs. 32)
17. Agriculture
During the past six weeks various farming difficulties and complaints have been reported. The chief of these appears to be “the increased ploughing up of land”, of which there have been complaints from five Regions. The objections raised are:
The decision as to what land is to be ploughed up is sometimes taken “without proper consultation with local knowledge” (Four Regions).
Last year farmers in the North Midland and South Western Regions “had to plough in vegetables they had grown, as there was no sale for them locally and it was impossible to despatch them to urban areas”.
Farm staffs are greatly depleted (One Region).
Other complaints are:
“The growing of more potatoes” (Two Regions). In some cases farmers “have to grow more than they can deal with”; in others “they still have several tons they cannot dispose of”.
“Farmers are snowed under with forms of every conceivable kind” (Two Regions).
(1. 2. 3. 4. 8. 10. 11. 12.)
18. Clothing
Coupons for household linen : Reports from seven Regions, as against four Regions last week, refer to the difficulties caused by having to use personal coupons for household linen and towels. “The replacing of household linen is causing a real anxiety”. Once more the difficulties of newly-married people are pointed out (Two Regions).
Children's clothing and footwear : A shortage of children's footwear is again reported from four Regions. One report states that “the percentage of children wearing tight shoes is said to be increasing”, and “it is felt that much more could be done to develop the ‘shoe exchange centres’ through schools and the W.V.S.”. It is also reported that owing to the difficulty of getting plimsolls, “children have to dance and do gym with bare feet. This is alleged to be causing ‘verruca feet’ - said to be more catching than measles”.
Stockings : Reports from four Regions refer to complaints about the quality of utility stockings. These, and “stockings generally, are still spoken of with groans as the worst and most wasteful drain on coupons”. Satisfaction is expressed in one report at the announcement that a better quality utility stocking is to be released.
There is said to be a shortage of children's socks, and of boys' stockings and woollen stockings, as well as the larger sizes of those for women.
Wellington boots : Three reports mention difficulties in obtaining Wellington boots. A parent's comment on this situation is, “What's the good of the Government giving my child vitamins if I can't keep his feet dry?” It is reported from the South West Region that “certain shops having boots of the shiny variety are refusing to sell them”. Customers are told they “must have a permit”.
(1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 12. 32)
19. Fuel
Comments on the fuel situation are now familiar. The allowance of coal “presses hardly on those who use no other fuel” (Two Regions). Limitation of the weight of fuel used, to the amount consumed during the previous twelve months, “places at a disadvantage those who have honestly and patriotically cut down their consumption. “Extravagant householders can still be extravagant” (Two Regions).
There are complaints from two Regions of the poor quality of coal. “With short supply, people are asking for full weight of burnable coal, free from useless ‘bats’”.
One report mentions the continued feeling “that large users, especially in industry, are not doing so well as ordinary people, who are, in the main, conscientiously doing their best”.
(1. 3. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 21 two provincial, one Special P.Cs.)
20. Petrol
The usual complaints about petrol are reported this week from six Regions. They are of allowances being misused, its lavish consumption by American troops; the taking of unnecessary taxis, and the number of private cars about “for no ostensible purpose”.
(5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 13. 32)
21. Shopping difficulties
From five Regions this week come references to shopping difficulties, the chief of which still appears to be the early closing of shops.
Attention is drawn to the fact, in two reports, that certain commodities do not arrive for sale till late in the day, and although housewives are asked to shop early, this is no encouragement to do so as it may mean queuing more than once in the same shop.
(2. 5. 6. 10. 12. 21 one provincial P.C. 32)
22. Utility furniture
People are said to be asking why they have to go to one office for forms and another for information about utility furniture. It is suggested that forms should be stocked at the C.A.B. instead of, or as well as, at the Fuel Office, as these may be a long distance from each other.
Retailers in one Region are said to be wondering whether they will get their share of furniture if they did not trade with its manufacturer in the past; some fear that the manufacturers will favour their old customers.
(2. 3. 5. 7. 8.)
Regional points of national interest No. 4 .
Following a recent visit to Dover, the Assistant Intelligence Officer in the South Eastern Region has made a special report on conditions there. Many places have suffered intermittent raids over a long period, but nowhere has there been anything comparable with the experience of Dover. It has been bombed or shelled consistently for more than two years, yet the morale of its people appears high, and they accept philosphically the conditions in which they exist.
Shelter life is an important factor in their lives, since some 3,000 people sleep every night in the chalk caves which are used as shelters. Parts of these caves have been tunnelled fairly recently, and, though the older sections are lofty, the newer excavations have no more headroom than a modern cottage. The only supply of fresh air is through the entrances. In summer the caves are said to be very damp but in winter they are somewhat drier. They are very well kept; the walls are white-washed, and heating provided by a tubular system. One cave has an emergency hospital with a nursing staff in attendance; the others contain sick bays and rest rooms. There are no facilities for private cooking but hot drinks and buns may be got at a canteen.
Of those who frequent the shelters it is said that “the same crowds haunt them night after night, and it has become a habit among working class people”. A minority of the habitues consists of old or nervous people who live alone. Many other people go there for a few hours during enemy activity.
On the occasion of our Officer's visit everyone appeared happy, but there was a conspicuous lack of any industrious activity, such as knitting or sewing, although the lighting was very good. Whist drives are held four times a week, and on Wednesdays religious services are held in all the caves.
Many people described life in the caves as a menace. “Shelter life is one of the tragedies of the war” said someone to whom our Officer spoke. “Old and young are herded together, the air is bad, and the caves are damp. It is a sad sight to see them trotting off to the caves every night”.
It seemed to be generally agreed that the health of those who habitually sleep in the caves shows no ill-effects, though some people apparently expect that these will appear in later years. Among them was a school-mistress, who agreed, however, that the children under her care were at present very healthy and very eager for communal play, of which they are deprived out of school hours. There was some criticism of the late hours which children were allowed to keep.
The children of parents in “fairly good financial circumstances” are apprently still evacuated; the County Schools remain away but some of the elementary schools have returned. Of the parents who had recalled their children some were described as “too selfish to pay for their billeting or to deny themselves the pleasure of their children's company”. Parents of all classes complained of the difficulties of children being evacuated to Wales. Although they appear to have been very kindly treated there, it was considered such a long way for parents to travel when they went to see them. In many cases mothers had accompanied their children, and were thus widely separated from their husbands. Men who can afford to do so have sent their wives and children to outlying districts so that they might see something of them; in such cases, however, there are bitter complaints of the cost of having to keep two homes. “The billeting money is so small, and in order to qualify for it, one has to send one's family to Wales where it costs such a lot in fares to see anything of them. Black-coated workers, especially young men on the lower salary levels, are said to be very hard hit”.
Facilities for recreation appear to be adequate. Three of the town's four cinemas are still open, and on Sunday nights meetings are held in the Town Hall. The programme usually consists of a concert and a short speech by some well-known person; among recent speakers were the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Minister of Health. The attendance at these meetings is usually between three and four hundred. Dances are held there every night except Sunday.
During the summer, part of the beach was cleared for bathing, on the condition that bathers left the beach without delay and did not sunbathe. But it seems these orders were not carried out and the beach was therefore closed to the public sooner than it would otherwise have been.
Shopping and supplies
Supplies in the shops seemed to be quite good. There were plenty of green vegetables and cakes for sale, but fish shops looked empty, except for a local catch of whiting.
The British Restaurant serves very good meals under admirable conditions.
There appeared to be no shortage of fuel. Plenty of wood is available on bombed sites, and people are allowed to take it away to help in the work of clearance.
Visitors and publicity
The visits of Mrs. Roosevelt, and of General Smuts with Mr. Churchill, gave tremendous pleasure, and were described as “a real tonic”. Some people said, however, that bombing followed Mrs. Roosevelt's visits because “the London newspapers had mentioned place names”. In this respect it appeared to be thought by certain people that London papers have more latitude than the local one. Although, on the whole, visiting journalists do not appear to be resented, objection is made to the publicity they give to Dover which is believed by some people to be responsible for the shelling of the town.
The more simple Dover people, however, like sentimental news stories of their way of life. But among “the educated people” there is a strong dislike of “moving accounts by stunt reporters; they interview people who make the shelters their permanent living quarter, and boost them up and make heroes out of them, when in fact they are nothing but a nuisance”.
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