A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


In Section 2 (p.6) proportions never buying N.W.B. were compared with the proportions knowing about N.W.B. In the table below his proportion is compared with the proportion which at my time had bought N.W.B.

Scotland S. Wales N. Mid. N. West N. & E.B. Midland S.E. & London S’th S.W. East Total
% which at any time had Bought N.W.B. 64.5 38.3 46.6 48.1 35.7 35.2 58.6 49.8 38.4 57.9 47.9
% never buying as % of those knowing about N.W.B. 19.6 22.0 30.6 34.0 48.5 35.0 14.0 32.2 17.4 21.7 28.5

The reasons advanced for never buying N.W.B. by the 56% housewives who answered the question seeking to define those reasons.

Why N.W.B was never bought

Makes own bread 16.4
Makes own bread(N.W. flour) 1.9
Hasn’t bothered with it, Not interested 13.6
Cannot get it from ordinary 11.3
baker, Hasn’t been offer it 4.9
Don’t like brown bread 12.4
Used to white, don’t want to Change 10.3
Satisfied with the brown bread bought already 10.6
Don’t fancy it 9.0
Miscellaneous 9.6
Sample 566 100%

It should be remembered that this sample totals only 28.5% of those knowing about N.W.B. or 18.8% of the whole sample.

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