A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46



New Series 30

Pots and Pans, Electrical and Plumbing Repairs

An Inquiry made by the Wartime Social Survey for the Board of Trade

Interviewing was carried out during the period 30th December, 1942 - 12th January, 1943

A sample of 2,838 housewives was interviewed. These were selected in representative proportions from different regions and income groups.

The purpose of this inquiry was to measure the demand for mending services (pots and pans, electrical and plumbing repairs) and to find out whether housewives were experiencing difficulty in getting repairs done.

An inquiry into the demands for other types of mending services, clothing, boots and shoes, bicycles, watches and clocks, and wireless sets, and the difficulties experienced, was made by the Wartime Social Survey in October, 1942. In that inquiry a general sample of the whole population was interviewed. It was thought that information about the types of repairs considered in the present inquiry would be obtained better from a housewife sample than from a general sample.

Breakdowns of questions asked of the whole sample have been made by five regions, by urban and rural districts, and by two income groups.

It was found, however, in most cases, that differences were not great enough to have statistical significance.

The proportion trying to get repairs done is small, and the ratio of the margin of error to the proportion trying to get repairs done, for instance in the different regions, is large, so that a very much larger sample would be needed to bring out statistically significant differences if indeed there are any differences.

However, this inquiry shows that if there are differences between different regions, they can only be small ones.


I. Pots and Pans

Housewives were asked, “Have you tried to get any pots and pans mended during the last three months?” ”Did you have any difficulty?” “Pots and Pans” included saucepans, steamers, frying pans and kettles.

Replies were as follows:-

Have not tried 92.9
Tried. No difficulty. 2.4
Tried. Succeeded after difficulty. 0.6
Tried and not able to 4.1
Sample 2857

Only 7% of housewives had tried and more than half of these had been unsuccessful.

Breakdowns by region, by income groups and by urban and rural show no statistically significant differences.

Those housewives who had tried to get pots and pans mended and had experienced difficulty, or had been unable to, were asked what the difficulty was.

Replies are given below, the percentages being based on the number answering.

% of those having difficulty
Delay. Labour shortage, etc. 56.7
Shortage of enamel and materials. 14.7
Told not worth mending. 11.0
Don’t know where to get it done 5.9
Badly done, expensive 4.4
No information. 8.1
Sample 136

(Two gave two reasons and percentages add to 100.8)

Those who had tried to get pots and pans mended were asked, “Would you have tried to get this mended in the ordinary way, or would you have bought a new one if possible?

% of those trying
Would have had mended 37.0
Would have bought new 32.0
Some new, some mended 0.5
No information 30.5
Sample 203

(“In the ordinary way” was defined as “if there had been supplies in the shops equal to those of peace time”).

It should be noted that the question demands an effort of imagination on the part of the housewife, who is required to say what she would have done in different circumstances. The results are, therefore, open to some doubt. However, they indicate certainly that the demand for tinkering services has substantially increased.

[4] This Inquiry was in fact carried out by the Wartime Social Survey's mobile team of Investigators. However it has been included with these Regional Inquiries, as the Information given is supple­mentary to that given in the previous report, (0.3).

II. Electrical Repairs

Housewives were asked, “Have you tried to get any electrical repairs done during the last three months?” “Did you have any difficulty?”

Both repairs to electric domestic appliances such as irons and fires and repairs that had to be done inside the house were included.

Have not tried 87.8
Tried. No difficulty 7.1
Tried. Succeeded after difficulty 2.0
Tried and unable to 3.1
*Sample 2841

Breakdowns by region and by urban and rural show no statistically significant differences.

There are some differences, however, between the different income groups.

Classes A and B Classes C and D Total
% % %
Have not tried 76.6 91.6 87.8
Tried. No difficulty 13.5 4.9 7.1
Tried. Succeeded after difficulty 3.9 1.4 2.0
Tried and unable to 6.0 2.1 3.1
* Sample 749 2073 2841

It will be seen that a higher proportion in the upper income groups had tried to get repairs done.

Those who had had difficulty or had been unable to get electrical repairs done were asked what the difficulties were. Replies were as follows:-

% of those having difficulty
Delay. Shortage of labour, etc. 53.0
Had to wait for parts needed 23.8
Shops refused repairs 12.2
Work was done badly 6.1
Expensive 0.7
No information 8.2
Sample 147

Delay for various reasons was the main difficulty experienced.

[5] Slight discrepancies in sample figures here and elsewhere are due to a few forms being unclassified in some respects. The proportions are not affected.


III. Plumbing Repairs

“Have you tried to get any plumbing repairs done during the last three months?” Did you have any difficulty?”

Have not tried 85.0
Tried. No difficulty 9.5
Tried. Succeeded after difficulty 2.6
Tried and unable to 2.9
Sample 2857

Breakdown by income group gives the following results.

Classes A and B Classes C and D Total
% % %
Have not tried 79.8 ± 2.9 86.9 85.0
Tried. No difficulty 14.1 7.9 9.5
Tried. Succeeded after difficulty 3.2 2.4 2.6
Tried and unable to 2.9 2.8 2.9
Sample 751 2106 2857

As in the case of electrical repairs, a higher proportion had tried in the upper income groups than in the lower.

Breakdowns by regions and by urban and rural show no statistically significant differences.

Housewives who had had difficulty or had been unable to get plumbing repairs done were asked what the difficulty was.

% of those having difficulty
Delay. Shortage of Labour, etc. 56.8
Difficulties with landlord 16.8
Job was badly done 9.0
Shortage of materials 7.2
Miscellaneous 1.2
No information 9.0
Sample 167

It will be seen that a higher proportion had tried to get electrical and plumbing repairs done than had tried to get pots and pans mended. However, difficulty was slightly more frequently experienced by those trying to get pots and pans repaired than by those who wanted electrical and plumb­ing repairs done.

In the case of all three types of repairs, delay, often due to shortage of labour was the difficulty experienced by the greater proportion of those having difficulty.


Total: 2858 housewives

Scotland 8
North of England 30
Midlands & Wales 23
South, South West & East Anglia 26
London 13
Type of District:
Urban 84
Rural 16
Income Group:
Class A 5
Class B 21
Class C 38
Class D 36
Under 35 22
35 - 50 42
Over 50 36


Wartime Social Survey

Mending Services

New Series No.31




Class A 1
Class B 2
Class C 3
Class D 4
Under 35 6
35 - 50 7
Over 50 8
Urban 1 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Urban 2 9 10 11 12

* 10. Have you tried to get any pots and pans mended during the last three months? Did you have any difficulty?

Have not tried 1

Tried. No difficulty 2

Tried. Succeeded after difficulty 3

Tried and unable to 4

10a. If difficulty, or unable to What was the difficulty?

10b. If tried

Would you have had this mended in the ordinary way, or would you have bought a new one if possible.

Would have had mended 1

Would have bought new 2

Some new. Some mended 3

Don’t know 4

11. Have you tried to get any electrical repairs done during the last three months. Did you have any difficulty?

Have not tried 1

Tried. No difficulty 2

Tried. Succeeded after difficulty 3

Tried and unable to 4

11a. If difficulty or unable to

What was the difficulty?

12. Have you tried to get any plumbing repairs done during the last three months? Did you have any difficulty?

Have not tried 1

Tried. No difficulty 2

Tried. Succeeded after difficulty 3

Tried and unable to 4

12a. If difficulty or unable to What was the” difficulty?

[6] Questions 1 to 9 were concerned with other subjects.

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