A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46
WARTIME social survey
New Series No. 38
Farming I
Farmer | Age | Type | Now | Pre-War | ||
Male | Y | Up to 35 | 6 | Arable | Y | 2 |
Female | X | 35 – 55 | 7 | Dairying | X | 3 |
Agent, Manager, etc | 0 | Over 55 | 8 | Mixed | 0 | 4 |
C.W.A.C. | 1 | N.A. | 9 | N.A. | 1 | 5 |
N.A. | 2 | |||||
Owner | 3 | |||||
Tenant | 4 | |||||
N.A. | 5 |
Size | Rating | ||
Up to 50 | acres | 4 | 6 |
51 - 100 | acres | 5 | 7 |
101 - 150 | acres | 6 | |
151 – 300 | acres | 7 | |
Over 300 | acres | 8 | |
N.A. | 9 |
1. Why did you become a farmer?.........
2. How long have you been farming?.........
3.What other farms have you had
4. Have you done anything besides farming? If so, what?.........
5. What was your father’s occupation?.........
6. How and where did you learn to farm?
On father’s farm | Y |
On relative’s farm | X |
As a pupil on another farm | 0 |
At Agricultural College or Institute | 1 |
Others: Say what.........
7. What schools did you go to?
Local Elementary (Town) | 1 |
(Country) | 2 |
Preparatory School | 3 |
Secondary School | 4 |
Public School | 5 |
Agricultural College or Institute | 6 |
University | 7 |
Others | 8 |
N.a. | 9 |
if (6) or (7) what subjects were taken?.........
8.Have you attended any Courses of Instruction the farming given by County
What Courses: Topic.........
10. What sort: of education are you giving them (have they had)?
11. Are they members of Young Farmers Clubs? (Code above)
12. Are there any ways in which you think education could be improved for children who are going on the land?.........
13. What do you think about Agriculture Colleges and Institutes?.........
14- What newspapers do you read?
National Papers.........
Local Papers.........
15. In which newspaper do you read farming articles?
National Papers.........
Local Papers.........
16. Do you read any farming papers or magazines? Say which?.........
17. Have there been any articles in paper or magazines that have made suggestions which you have tried? Say what they were.........
18. Do you bring newspapers or magazine articles to the attention of your workers?
Yes Y
Sometimes X
Never 0
N,A. 1
19.Do You listen to any farming talks on the wireless?
20.What do you think about farming talks, have you learnt anything from them?
Farm Record.........
Other talks.........
21.Whom do you think are the best people to give farming talks on the wireless?.........
22. What do you think is the best time of day for wireless talks addressed to farmers?
23.Have any of the leaflets of the Ministry of Agriculture or County War Agricultural Committee been of any use to you?
Yes Y
No X
N.A 0
(a) Which leaflets?......... In what way?.........
(b) where did you get them?.........
(c) Do you keep them for reference?.........
24. Do you use any reference books or bulletins on farming? Which?.........
25. Have you seen any of the Ministry of Agriculture’s advertisements?
Yes Y
No X
N.A. 0
Which of these do you remember particularly?.........
Where did you see them?.........
26. Have you followed any of the advice or instructions contained in them? If so, which?.........
27. Did you consult your Country Agriculture Organiser before the war? Yes Y No X .N.A. Never heard of them 1
28. Where do you generally go for advice upon the following problems ?
(i) Livestock and disease.........
(ii) Feeding and coupons.........
(iii) Fertilisers and fertiliser rationing.........
(iv) Milk productions.........
(v) Machinery.........
(iv) Crop Failures.........
29. Have you obtained advice from any of the following?
(i) Advisers of the Country War Agricultural Executive Committee
Yes Y
No X
N.A. 0
(ii) Advisers of the nearest farming institute
Yes Y
No X
N.A. O
If so, what happened?
30. Do you discuss your farm problems with any of your workers? If so, which worker?.........
31. Do you ever discuss your farm problems with other farmers?
Yes Y
No X
N.A. O
Give details.........
32A. Have you attended any of the following meetings or demonstrations arranged by the Country Agricultural Committee?
C. Have you attended any demonstrations by commercial firms like I.C.I., Ford’s, Fisons or Boots?
Yes Y
No N
N.A. 0
If yes, What do you think of these demonstrations?.........
D. Have you seen any films about farming?
Yes Y
No N
N.A. 0
If yes,
(i) Which one?.........
(ii) Where did you see it).........
(iii)What did you think of it?.........
What do you think of the idea of using films to give farming advice?.........
33. What sort of advisory service do you think there should be after the War?.........
34. What do you think is the best way for the Ministry of Agriculture to tell farmers what it wants them to do and how it is to be done?
By (1) Leaflets.........
(2) The wireless.........
(3) Newspaper advertising – Local.........
(4) Advertisements in the Farming Press.........
(5) Films.........
(6) Local Practical Demonstrations.........
(7) Through County Committees.........
(8) By other means, say what?.........
35. (a) What changes have you made on your farm since the war ?.........
(b) Why did you do this?.........
36. Is your herd on the Veterinary Panel?
Yes Y
No X
D.K. 0
D.N.A. 1
N.A. 2
If yes, why?.........
If no, why not?.........
37. Do you use seed-corn dressed with a mercurial dressing?
Do you buy the seed already dressed, or do you dress it yourself ?
Dressed | Not | N.A | D.N.A. | Bought | One self | both | N.A | |
Wheat | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Oats | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Barley | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Ray | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
If dressed, why?.........
If not, why not?.........
38. Do you record your milk?
Yes Y
No X
N.A. 0
D.N.A. 1
39. Did you start going over to winter milk last year?
Yes Y
No X
Already winter milk producer 0
N.A. 1
If yes, why?.........
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