A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46



Are women in favour of conscription for the women’s auxiliary services and the freer use of directions under the defence regulations to specific jobs?

Questions asked: Do you think it necessary that women should go into war work.? If yes, why? If no, why not?

97% of all women consider it necessary that women should go into war work, and only 3% are against it; this percentage holds throughout all the different groups. The main reasons given for this attitude are, in order of their importance:-

Help country to win the war 23
Everyone should do their bit 27
Replacing men 21
Women’s work valuable and essential 3

The 3% against conscription argue thus:-

Still too many men unemployed 28
Women’s first duty husband and home 18
Those already in jobs should not be moved 8
Objection to women doing certain war work 6
Disagree on principle 5
Still plenty of younger girls 2
Many women fully occupied at home 2

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