A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

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Wartime Social Survey
II. Use of Laundries and Housewives' Difficulties
New Series Regional H.1

Interviewing was carried out during the period 14th May to 6th June.

The purpose of this inquiry was to find out what proportion of housewives sent clothes to the laundry, and whether those who did were having difficulties of any sort.

Detailed questions about the quantity and type of clothes sent were not asked as only a general result was needed.

2943 housewives were interviewed. These were selected in representative proportions from different regions, income groups and age groups.

Question : “Do you send any clothes or linen to the laundry?”

Regularly 43.5
Occasionally 5.0
Never 51.5
Sample 2943

“Regularly” was defined as once a month or more often and “Occasionally” as less than once a month.

There are marked differences between urban and rural districts.

Urban Rural Total
% % %
Regularly 45.5 30.9 ± 4.6 43.5
Occasionally 5.2 3.6 5.0
Never 49.3 65.5 ± 4.8 51.5
Sample 2555 388 2943

It will be seen that people in country districts make less use of laundries than those living in towns.

Analysis by Region also shows marked differences.

Scotland North of England Midlands & Wales South, S.W. & E. Anglia London Total
% % % % % %
Regularly 33.7 42.5 38.7 36.4 72.0 ± 4.3 43.5
Occasionally 11.1 4.2 3.6 4.9 3.9 5.0
Never 55.2 53.3 57.7 58.7 24.1 51.1
Sample 335 788 670 710 440 2943

The proportion using laundries is very much higher in London than in other regions. Scotland has a rather higher proportion than other regions using laundries occasionally.

Analysis by income groups gives the following results:-

Top Group Lowest Group
A B C D Total
% % % % %
Regularly 84.4 66.7 42.1 26.0 43.5
Occasionally 3.2 5.4 5.3 4.6 5.0
Never 12.4 27.9 52.6 69.4 51.5
Sample 153 595 1145 1050 2943

It will be seen that laundries are very much more widely used by the higher income groups than by the lower.

The proportions using laundries occasionally or less than once a month are about the same through all groups.

A rather higher proportion of housewives with no children than of housewives with children used laundries.

Housewives with:
Children under 5 Children 5-14 No. children Total
% % % %
Regularly 38.1 37.2 46.9 43.5
Occasionally 5.9 6.2 4.4 5.0
Never 56.0 56.6 48.7 51.5
Sample 643 875 1516 2943

The two groups with children are not mutually exclusive.

Those who used laundries were asked “Have you had any difficulty lately? What sort of difficulty?

400 housewives (28% of those using laundries) said they were having difficulties. These were classified as follows:-

% of those using laundries
Delay; irregular collections and deliveries 12.8
No deliveries. Have to fetch and carry 1.7
Work not done properly 3.7
Charges are too high 3.4
Others 6.4
No difficulties 72.0
Total using laundries 1428


Total 2943 housewives

Region: %
Scotland 11.4
North of England 26.7
Midlands & Wales 22.8
South, South West & East Anglia 24.2
London 14.9
Type of District: %
Urban 86.8
Rural 13.2
Income Group: %
Class A 5.2
Class B 20.2
Class C 38.9
Class D 35.7
Age: %
Under 35 23.3
30-50 41.5
Over 50 35.2

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